ICU Ventilator
SD-H3000A Ventilator:
In principle, SD-H3000A is an electro-pneumatic ventilator. It is a multifunctional ventilator which has volume control and pressure control, time switch, flowrate switch, capacity switch, pressure switch and other switch methods. This ventilator adopts micro-multiprocessor control, equipped with parameter and waveform monitoring. Its tidal volume’s preset range is 20~200ml. Its frequency preset range is 1~100bmp. Flowrate adjusting range is 4~150L/min. It can be used for adults and children. This ventilator has internal storage battery which can be charged at any time. If the internal storage battery has been fully charged, it can ensure ventilator working for at least 1 hour.
SD-H3000A ventilator can provide functions such as VCV(volume control ventilation), VC-SIMV(volume control-synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation), PC-SIMV(pressure control-synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation), PCV(pressure control ventilation), PSV(pressure support ventilation), CPAP(continuous positive airway pressure),MMV(mandatory minute ventilation) and SIGH(sigh assistant). Besides it has PEEP support. Through adjusting parameter, it can have CPAP( continuous positive airway pressure) , inversed ration ventilation and other frequently-used and popular respiratory models.
SD-H3000Aventilator provides alarms, such as the up-low limit of tidal volume alarm, the up-low limit of frequency alarm, the up-low limit of peak pressure alarm, the up-low limit of PEEP alarm, the up-low limit of ventilation alarm, the up-low limit of oxygen concentration alarm, apnea alarm, alternating current power-failure alarm, battery undervoltage alarm, oxygen supply failure alarm and air supply failure alarm. These alarms make the ventilator more safe.
This ventilator is controlled by microprocessor, equipped with parameter, waveform monitoring, volume model, pressure model and other optional functions.
Optional functions available now may not be included in this manual’s instructions.